Finnish Messiah
Lutheran Church
Portland, Oregon
Faith. Fellowship. Finnish Heritage.
Rooted in Finnish heritage, our congregation is a welcoming community of Finnish immigrants, their descendants, and those who share a love for Finnish traditions and Lutheran faith. Whether you have deep Finnish roots or are simply interested in the language and culture, you are welcome here. And no—you don’t need to know Finnish to attend!
Upcoming Sunday Services for 2025
March 2nd — Word Service (Sanajumalanpalvelus) & Welcome Potluck with Pastor Leila Mänttäri at 10 AM
March 9th — Communion Service (Ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus) with Pastor Leila Mänttäri at 10 AM
March 16th — TBD
March 23rd — TBD
March 30th — TBD
Our Pastors
Our church is blessed to host visiting retired pastors from Finland who lead services throughout the year, on a volunteer basis. When they are away, dedicated lay members continue to lead services, keeping our worship strong and vibrant.
We are especially grateful to pastors Seppo Airas and Jouko Paukkunen for their continued support and friendship - and willingness to return several times.
Interested in volunteering as a pastor at our church? We welcome pastors who feel called to serve our congregation. If you're interested in learning more, please contact us at
Bilingual (English/Finnish) services held at the MLC Chapel inside Nordia House on Sundays at 10 AM.
Come Worship With Us!
8800 SW Oleson Road, Portland, Oregon 97223
Our gatherings take place in the MLC Chapel inside of Nordia House.
Our Congregation
The members of our congregation continue to have strong roots in Finland. Many are Finnish immigrants, descendants of immigrants, or have family ties to Finland. Others are simply drawn to the warmth of our community and the richness of Finnish traditions.
While some in the Finnish community attend other local churches, they support the Finnish Church by joining us for special services, cultural events, and fellowship. No matter your background, all are welcome to be part of our church family!
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
Get Our FREE Newsletter
For the latest Sunday service updates and to stay informed about all upcoming church events, kindly send an email to with the subject line: "Finnish Church Newsletter"
Note: Our newsletter is a bilingual publication, featuring content in both Finnish and English languages.